Große Resonanz auf englischsprachige Ausgabe
Die englischsprachige Ausgabe des Buchs von Stefan Aust und Adrian Geiges „Xi Jinping – der mächtigste Mann der Welt“ hat weltweit ein großes Medienecho ausgelöst. Rezensionen erschienen beispielsweise in The Washington Post, The Guardian und The Times. Das amerikanische Time Magazine veröffentlichte einen Meinungsbeitrag der Autoren. Live-Interviews führten u.a. CNN, Al Jazeera, der indische Fernsehkanal WION und die Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Weitere Stimmen:
„While the US and Europe focus on the threat posed by Vladimir Putin, their bigger challenge comes from Xi Jinping. But what drives the Chinese president? In this wide-ranging book, journalists Aust and Geiges consider this question by exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the man behind the personality cult. A useful primer on a figure who will shape all our futures.“
Jonathan Watts, Former East Asia correspondent for the Guardian and president of the Foreign Correspondents‘ Club of China
„This book about Xi Jinping is an original account of the current political condition in China and the trajectory of this political figure of our time. Enriched by authentic details, it tells an untellable story that is grand in scope. Both the book’s starting point and its development are interesting and engaging. It traces historical happenings, conveys the characteristics of our time, and demonstrates the authors’ in-depth understanding of the subject matter. This depth in the individualized narrative is most needed when we look at politics and history.“
Ai Weiwei
„At this crucial time, it’s more important than ever to understand who Xi is and where he came from, all of which can help us better grasp the direction in which he is leading China. That’s the task undertaken by Stefan Aust and Adrian Geiges in their new biography of the Chinese leader.“
The Diplomat
„excellent… a well-reasoned and fascinating account“
New Internationalist
“Refreshing and thought-provoking.”
Diplomatic Courier
“A valuable primer for those who don’t know much about today’s China or its leader.”
Rana Mitter
“One of the best China books of the year.”
Bookish Asia
Times Literary Supplement
“a good introduction to contemporary China viewed from the perspective of Xi’s rule.”
Sydney Morning Herald
“a compelling and informative biography of China’s leader that will prove to be indispensable reading for anyone interested in China and where it is heading as a global power…unreservedly recommended“
Midwest Book Review